Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Walk to Remember

I was at the bus stop,waiting for her. I was really happy and out of world, first time we were going out for a movie. In last 2 years we met many times but it was the first time it was only me and her.

People were coming to me asking direction but where is she? We're not late in fact I came early or very early.

Then she called and I was thinking "Oh..God, please don't cancel the Date."
Date, is it really a Date? Hell who cares, for me its a Date ;).

I received the call, "Hey where are you?"

"At the stop, where are you?"

"Me too at the stop."

Then I saw her "As beautiful as ever".

And we went for the movie.
After movie she said,"Movie was not that good."

Me: "Yeah!!! (As if I care)."
For me being with her is the only thing that matters.

Me: "Don't you feel it was kind of our story"

She: "Yeah, me too thinking the same."

She: "So what's your plan now?"

Me: "I don't have anything to do, Let's have a walk if you are free".

She: "Sure"
We sat outside the mall.

She: "There are so many people here, That's why I don't like malls so much crowd."

Me: "What are you talking? that's why we come to Malls, look at those girls."

She: "You all are same."

Me: "Well that's how we should be."

She: "OK, tell me the most beautiful girl here other than me?"

She knew what I'll say but then I said,"See that girl in pink top"

That was an African girl, really dark.

She: "Oh my God that's your choice."

Me: "Well you know my choice better."

She: "Let's walk"

She: "Why you are so quiet?"

Me: "Just don't want to spoil the moment"

She: "You know when ever I walk, I always fall. My friends always make fun of me whenever I walk with them I guaranteed fall. I don't know why? Today first time I walked that long and I didn't fall."

Me: "Because Today you are with me. Just walk with me and I'll make sure you'll never fall."

She: "You know what? We rarely meet, we rarely talk and there is nothing between us, but still there are people who believe there is something between us. No matter how much I tell them, they don't believe me ?"

It hurts to listen those words but I was happy thinking, still there are people who think of we two together. Oh God!!! where are these people? I love them...

Me: "(Surprisingly) Is it?"

What else I can say.. :(

Me: "You know I still Love you"

She: "Yes, I know and that's why we don't often meet or talk. Beacuse I don't want it to end like 3 years ago."

Me: "So what do you think? Is this what you want?"

She: "It is not what I think or What I want? It's about what I chose. There are lots of things that depends upon our choices. And I wish may be someday we both will be happy with this choice."

Me: "Anyways Happy Promise day"

She: "No, not like that you have to promise me something"

Me: "OK then I promise, I'll always keep my promise. Now it's your turn"

She: "I also promise you the same."

Me: "That's cheating. Promise me something else".

She: "Well then I promise....."


Hell what is this?
That's my alarm. Why? Why? It rang at the wrong time. I want to listen what she said?
But the loss was done, the dream is broken..

Anyways I should hurry now or I am gonna miss our morning status call at office.

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