Monday, April 26, 2010

Marriage Ceremony of IT Professional

Before I invite you all to the marriage ceremony of an IT Professional, let me tell you some culture and rules we follow at any software company. As many of you may know that in such office we all are provided with Access Cards,that are required to cross any door or to enter any Bay. We develop a habit of paying all our bills online or with Debit/Credit card. at many places you need to enter your Enterprise ID and Password. And one more thing we guys get meal coupons (Sudexos etc.).

Now lets come to the marriage:
Initially the mother mails to her son telling that the bench period of bachelorhood is now over and he is Hardlocked to a new project called marriage. Hardlock, yeh!!! this the terminology we use. And he need to report the supervisor (Father) as soon as possible (ASAP). Our software engineer raise a request to get roll off but of no use. As nothing can be done he agrees for the marriage.

Now a meeting is arranged for the boy and the girl. The boy asks so many questions to the girl like what are her area of specialization? If she had any previous experience? What are the projects she has already worked? And the girl replies innocently that she is a fresher. Anyhow the marriage gets fixed and now KT (knowledge transfer) sessions are organized by the boy's married friends and they share some important information with him.

Now preparation for marriage starts. Cabs are booked for the "Barat". Girl and Boy mails their friends with the subject line as "Action Required:Need to attend the marriage" and with high priority. And finally the day comes. All the friend of boys have joined the "Barat". They dance in front of groom's car and fly Sudexo Coupons in spite of money. At the girl's end a responsible person sits at the door with a card swapping machine, collection gift from the guests and checking their Id card. A guest come and offer him his debit card and says Rs 1001/- or Rs 501/- etc.

The boy comes and sits at the "Mandap"(Wedding Place). All the girl's friend surround him and they hide the access card of the girl's room, this time no shoes. After the marriage the groom finds the Access Card is missing. The girls demand for money in lieu of the Access card and the Groom hands over his debit card to them.

Now the Groom enters the bride's room as he sits near her she asks for password and he gets access, after that... its confidential. Next morning they get a news that they are going Onsite for Honeymoon.

And they live happily ever after unless some bug comes in their life.

1 comment:

  1. seems u got enough brain wash in couple of months.. nice post
