Wednesday, October 28, 2009

2012, Does it Matter?

None of the characters and dialogues in this blog is imaginary and if there is any resemblance with any person or people are found then my sympathy is with them.

I: Hey Mummy has you heard the news?

Mummy: What news you are talking about?

I: It's about the end of world in year 2012.

Mummy: Yes I heard it, but it's all nonsense. Every year such news come, don't worry about it. Whenever they don't have any they show all these crap.

I: But Mummy, what if it's true?

Mummy: If its end of world then let it be, we can't do anything. If everybody dies, we'll too.

I: But there is something you can do.

Mummy: About the disaster?

I: No!!! about me.

Mummy: What?

I: Don't you think, it is the time you should think about my marriage.

Mummy: But son, it's the time for you to make your carrier, not for marriage. You still have 5 years for marriage.

I: What?!!!!!!! 5 years, what if the world ends in 2012? Please Mummy I don't wanna die unmarried.

Mummy: Hey don't be a fool. Nothing gonna happen?

I: What if it happens? You can't say anything about it, so why take a chance?

Mummy: You are looking so concern about your marriage, have you seen some girl?

I: No mummy!!! in this case I am fully depend upon you and father. But it seems even you two are not gonna help me.

Mummy: Oh dear!!! It's not like that but it's not the right time, and when the time comes I'll
show as many as girls you haven't even thought of.

I: Oh Mummy!!! It's just a mother's heart; otherwise you have no idea about the girl to boy ratio in India.

Mummy: Don't worry son there are still girls for you. You will be married too.

I: Oh Mummy!!! You can't understand my concern as you are already married. You can't understand my pain. Mummy if I died due to disaster in 2012 my soul will not get peace. My soul keeps wandering in this world.

Mummy: Oh!!! Then don't worry there would be thousands of other unsatisfied soul with you.

I: No Mummy it's not necessary, may be they are not concern about their marriage and their soul go to heaven in spite of being with me.

Mummy: Well it's enough, don't tease me more. Or if you are ready I'll arrange your marriage next year and you'll not deny.

I: Oh!!! Mummy, you are getting serious. I was just joking; you can carry on with your work. I think I should go.

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