Thursday, May 31, 2012

Please... don't wait for me.

She: "Yesterday I sent an SMS to you but you didn't replied."

I: "Is it? Well I can reply now. What was the message?"

She: "It was a question, what you expect from me and you need to choose from options."

I : "Oh!!! that one, OK I'll answer but you need to answer first. What you expect from me?"

She: "A long relationship and friendly love (Smiling). Now you tell me."

I : Well.. that's simple, I choose "Marry me".

She: "Oh My God, Is it?"

I : "Yup!!!"

She: "Come on.. Tell me seriously."

I: "Do you really think I am kidding. I am serious and see it'll fulfill both of our expectation. Its a long relationship and I'll be loving you forever."

She: "No, you are still not serious."

I: "Listen.. it's been 5 years and I still want to marry you. How much serious it can be? "

She: "That's what? It's been 5 years and you are still waiting for me. Please don't wait for me."

I: "Will you answer a question?"

She: "Yes."

I: "Do you think, I am not suitable for you. If this is the case just tell me I won't feel bad. In fact it motivate me to do much better in life."

She: "No, In fact I am not suitable for you."

I : "Why... Why you think so?"

She: "I am not a good girl."

I: "Well !!! I am not a good boy either."

She: "But still better than me."

I: "Hey!!! Don't start over this. A relationship is where two imperfect person makes a perfect life. And I feel we can make a perfect life."

She: "I know you'll keep any girl happy and someday you'll find a much better and beautiful girl.  But I am not that girl."

I: "I am never gonna find someone like you because you are the only one."

She: "Look in your office, I heard there are lots of beautiful girls in your company."

I: "But how can someone else take the place that is not vacant?"

She: "That's what I am telling you, Make that space."

I: "Then why you expect a long relationship from me?"

She: "Because I need someone, I can trust. A shoulder where I can cry when I am sad. A friend who'll always be with me."

I: "I have a better idea, Just be with me and I'll never let you cry."

She: "Please... don't wait for me."

And she again left me puzzled.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Jab We Met 2 (JWM2)

Previously on Jab We Met (JWM)….
I met a girl named Riya in a journey, who was about to jump from the train. Now I am at home doing the best thing I can do i.e., sleeping and it happened, my cell started ringing. Anyhow I dared to pick up the phone, the name Riya was flashing on it. That’s why I hate girls they can’t see u happy. It was 7 O’clock.

I: "(clearing my throat) Yes!!"

Riya: "Hiiiiiii"

I can’t understand why these girls get so excited while saying “Hi”.

Riya: "Do you know what happened today?"

I: "How could I know, my day have just started."

Riya: "OK, I’ll tell you. He just called me."

I: "Whom, you are talking about?"

Riya: “Alok”, I have told you about him yesterday.

I: "Oh... yes, your boyfriend. So what did he say?"

Riya: "Well he was very sad and apologizing for his behavior."

I: "Hey, that’s very good, you guys are together again."

Riya: "Actually, now I m not feeling like loving him anymore."

I: "What? But you were going to suicide for him. I thought you loved him so much."

Riya: "Yes I do, but yesterday night I thought about it and I felt if he can leave me once he can do it again."

I: "So, what you told him?"

Riya: "I told him that it couldn’t remain same. We can now remain only friend.
Ok I’ll call you later mom is shouting."

And she cut the phone. I thought I was still dreaming, why she called me and told me all these things? What I have to do with all these crap? Well I had been woken up so I thought to finish up all my morning business.

After that she started messaging me and miss calls too. One thing about girls is that they never call you until they need; at the same time they keep on giving you miss calls until you call.

One day she called me and said, “Hey I am coming to your city this Sunday. Tell me where we can meet?”

I: “Meet? Are you serious? This is a small township, full of Uncles and guys who know me. What they’ll think?”

Riya: “Oh!!! Come on... don’t be such a jerk. Nothing will happen; I’ll be there with you.”

I: “That’s the problem, you’ll be there.”

Riya: “OK fine, you don’t wanna meet me then that’s it. You are such a coward.”

Coward, how can I bear such insult?

I: “Ok we’ll meet. Time and Place I’ll tell on Sunday morning. Happy??”

Riya: “Thanks a lot (laughing)”

Finally Sunday came sooner than I expected. We planned to meet at the Coffee House as I was sure no uncles would come there and guys I can take care off. But when everything is right there must be something wrong.

As soon as we ordered for coffee I saw a familiar face or should I say many familiar faces. It was Mishra Uncle’s daughter Birthday party and now I was trying to hide behind Riya and praying nobody saw me.

We finished our coffee in hurry and walked towards the stairs. I came down halfway on stairs and I saw “Papa”.

Riya looked at me and said, “Namaste Uncle.”

Papa looked at me and said “Hello” to her. He didn’t ask anything that time but by
his look I can say “I am Gone” and we left.

I: “See now what happened? I don’t know what I’ll say if he asks about you.”

Riya: “Why are you so tensed as if I am your girlfriend and he caught you red handed. Tell him I am your friend”

Girlfriend and Friend, see how much difference a girl can make.
Something pinch me inside, Was it that her telling she's not my girlfriend? Do I want her to be my girlfriend? I don't know but what if she really is?

In a moment hundreds of thoughts crossed my mind.

Riya: "Hey!!! What are you thinking?"

I: “(Startled) Hmm... Nothing. You won’t understand my situation. Anyways I’ll take care of it (Can I?)”.

Then we left for the Lake park of our city, there were three reasons for that:

first it was a quite place to walk around second its out of city and it's near bus stand I don't need to come all the way to drop her ;)

Riya: "Hey!!! I am sorry."

I: "Sorry? For what?"

Riya: "To put you in trouble."

I: "Ohh.. forget it, in fact I feel it exciting. You made my boring Sunday into an adventurous one."

Riya: "Is it? So when are we meeting again?"

I: "Whaaat?"

Riya: "Oh.. don't worry I was just kidding. But really you made my day. It was really nice to meet you in person. Thanks a lot."

I: "O Come on.. I don't like people saying thanks to me. That's what friends do, they care, spend time, make you happy. There is no place for thanks and all."

Riya: "As you say. Well now its time, I should leave now otherwise it'll be too late to reach home."

I: "Ok.. Riya. I wish will see you soon."

Riya: "Sure."

And she left for her city leaving me thinking where this friendship can go?

When I reached home, Mom and Dad were waiting for me as I expected.....

(to be continued....)

Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Walk to Remember

I was at the bus stop,waiting for her. I was really happy and out of world, first time we were going out for a movie. In last 2 years we met many times but it was the first time it was only me and her.

People were coming to me asking direction but where is she? We're not late in fact I came early or very early.

Then she called and I was thinking "Oh..God, please don't cancel the Date."
Date, is it really a Date? Hell who cares, for me its a Date ;).

I received the call, "Hey where are you?"

"At the stop, where are you?"

"Me too at the stop."

Then I saw her "As beautiful as ever".

And we went for the movie.
After movie she said,"Movie was not that good."

Me: "Yeah!!! (As if I care)."
For me being with her is the only thing that matters.

Me: "Don't you feel it was kind of our story"

She: "Yeah, me too thinking the same."

She: "So what's your plan now?"

Me: "I don't have anything to do, Let's have a walk if you are free".

She: "Sure"
We sat outside the mall.

She: "There are so many people here, That's why I don't like malls so much crowd."

Me: "What are you talking? that's why we come to Malls, look at those girls."

She: "You all are same."

Me: "Well that's how we should be."

She: "OK, tell me the most beautiful girl here other than me?"

She knew what I'll say but then I said,"See that girl in pink top"

That was an African girl, really dark.

She: "Oh my God that's your choice."

Me: "Well you know my choice better."

She: "Let's walk"

She: "Why you are so quiet?"

Me: "Just don't want to spoil the moment"

She: "You know when ever I walk, I always fall. My friends always make fun of me whenever I walk with them I guaranteed fall. I don't know why? Today first time I walked that long and I didn't fall."

Me: "Because Today you are with me. Just walk with me and I'll make sure you'll never fall."

She: "You know what? We rarely meet, we rarely talk and there is nothing between us, but still there are people who believe there is something between us. No matter how much I tell them, they don't believe me ?"

It hurts to listen those words but I was happy thinking, still there are people who think of we two together. Oh God!!! where are these people? I love them...

Me: "(Surprisingly) Is it?"

What else I can say.. :(

Me: "You know I still Love you"

She: "Yes, I know and that's why we don't often meet or talk. Beacuse I don't want it to end like 3 years ago."

Me: "So what do you think? Is this what you want?"

She: "It is not what I think or What I want? It's about what I chose. There are lots of things that depends upon our choices. And I wish may be someday we both will be happy with this choice."

Me: "Anyways Happy Promise day"

She: "No, not like that you have to promise me something"

Me: "OK then I promise, I'll always keep my promise. Now it's your turn"

She: "I also promise you the same."

Me: "That's cheating. Promise me something else".

She: "Well then I promise....."


Hell what is this?
That's my alarm. Why? Why? It rang at the wrong time. I want to listen what she said?
But the loss was done, the dream is broken..

Anyways I should hurry now or I am gonna miss our morning status call at office.