Friday, August 28, 2009

My name is Khan

SRK: Hello K..K..Kiran.

Kiran: Raju? Is that you?

SRK: Hey…. Don't call me Raju. I am no more a gentleman. I m D..D..DON now.

Kiran: What? What are you saying? How this happened?

SRK: Oh!!! K..K..Kiran, this cruel world, this cruel world has made me DON. I tried so hard to remain a good man. I worked at NASA as scientist, I also coached Indian hockey team, I tried in movies too but ultimately my career stopped at DON.

Kiran: Oh!!! SRK, it's so sad. So why do u come to me after so many years? You know I am married now and there is no chance of yours now.

SRK: Hey…. Stupid, I am married too and I am no more interested in you. Actually I am very depressed now a days and I wanna talk to some of my old friend.

Kiran: Oh!!! That's so sweet Raj... SRK. What's your problem dear?

SRK: K..K..Kiran, What to tell you? That Amir, he used to comment over me but I didn't care, but from the day he made 8-packs I am afraid of him and his short term memory loss, Oh!!! If some day he hurts me and forget then even polygraph machine can't catch him. I explored his body too may be my name is over there but I didn't find.

Kiran: Well its good news.

SRK: No its not. There are some of his body parts he can't show on screen and I suspect my name could be there.

Kiran: Oh!! SRK you are suspecting him for no reason. He is a nice guy, I know him. You don't need to think of him.

SRK: K..K..Kiran, he is not the only problem in my life. The American cops have also tried to arrest me.

Kiran: What? Then what happen?

SRK: Nothing yaar. You know "DON ko pakadna mushkil hi nahi, na mumkin hai". They didn't get any evidence and they released me.

Kiran: Thanks God.

SRK: What GOD? Before only Amir was giving me tension but now a days Salman has also started disturbing me.

Kiran: And what he did?

SRK: I heard that he is also trying to buy a cricket team at IPL. My Knight Riders has already become a matter of shame for me and now this Salman team. I know he'll make a strong team against mine. First my team was already loosing now he is there. Oh God they all will kill me.

Kiran: Oh!! SRK, don't worry "MAIN HOON NA". Everything will be all right.

SRK: No K..K..Kiran, things are getting worse.

Kiran: What happen now?

SRK: What could be worse than heartbreak?

Kiran: Oh God!!! Who broke your heart?

SRK: Its K..K..Karan.

Kiran: What? What I did?

SRK: It's not K..K..Kiran. Its K..K..Karan. Karan Johar.

Kiran: ?

SRK: I heard, now a days he is with Ranbir Kapoor and keeps on saying "Wake-up Sid". Oh God he ditched me. He forgot our old love.

Kiran: Oh SRK, in this case even I can't do anything. But law can help you; you can go to court and ask for your rights.

SRK: No K..K..Kiran, I don't want to bring our relationship to the court. After all I still ………..

Kiran: OK in this situation you should also think for option. Why don't you ask Abhishek or John? They are really smart guys.

SRK: Oh!!! K..K..Kiran, you are so good. You have solved my major problem. I LOVE YOU. OK I'll see you later; I need to make some calls. Bye