Thursday, May 31, 2012

Please... don't wait for me.

She: "Yesterday I sent an SMS to you but you didn't replied."

I: "Is it? Well I can reply now. What was the message?"

She: "It was a question, what you expect from me and you need to choose from options."

I : "Oh!!! that one, OK I'll answer but you need to answer first. What you expect from me?"

She: "A long relationship and friendly love (Smiling). Now you tell me."

I : Well.. that's simple, I choose "Marry me".

She: "Oh My God, Is it?"

I : "Yup!!!"

She: "Come on.. Tell me seriously."

I: "Do you really think I am kidding. I am serious and see it'll fulfill both of our expectation. Its a long relationship and I'll be loving you forever."

She: "No, you are still not serious."

I: "Listen.. it's been 5 years and I still want to marry you. How much serious it can be? "

She: "That's what? It's been 5 years and you are still waiting for me. Please don't wait for me."

I: "Will you answer a question?"

She: "Yes."

I: "Do you think, I am not suitable for you. If this is the case just tell me I won't feel bad. In fact it motivate me to do much better in life."

She: "No, In fact I am not suitable for you."

I : "Why... Why you think so?"

She: "I am not a good girl."

I: "Well !!! I am not a good boy either."

She: "But still better than me."

I: "Hey!!! Don't start over this. A relationship is where two imperfect person makes a perfect life. And I feel we can make a perfect life."

She: "I know you'll keep any girl happy and someday you'll find a much better and beautiful girl.  But I am not that girl."

I: "I am never gonna find someone like you because you are the only one."

She: "Look in your office, I heard there are lots of beautiful girls in your company."

I: "But how can someone else take the place that is not vacant?"

She: "That's what I am telling you, Make that space."

I: "Then why you expect a long relationship from me?"

She: "Because I need someone, I can trust. A shoulder where I can cry when I am sad. A friend who'll always be with me."

I: "I have a better idea, Just be with me and I'll never let you cry."

She: "Please... don't wait for me."

And she again left me puzzled.