Monday, July 25, 2011

When Silence hurts more...

He: "Hey!!! Hi, I am really surprised, you called after these many years."

She: "Me too, so glad to hear your voice."

He: "Is everything OK?"

She: "Why are you asking this question?"

He: "You called after such a long time."

She: "Well.. you have not even called."

He: "I was afraid."

She: "Afraid of what?"

He: "Getting hurt again."

She: "Hmmm.."

He: "Why didn't you called me?"

She: "Me too was afraid."

He: "(Laughing..) Of getting hurt?"

She: "No, of hurting you again."


He: "So how's life going?"

She: "Yeah!!! everything is going fine."

He: "That's good."

She: "So, how's yours?

He: "Me too, doing good."

He: "So what made you to call me?"

She: "Because I just can't take it any more. I just can't bear your silence, your
stanger like behaviour. Why are you pretending like you don't know me?"

He: "What else you expect me to do?"

She: "If you are angry on me. Scold me, abuse me or if you want, beat me."

He: "You know I can't do any of them."

She: "Why?"

He: "You know it better."

She: "You know I read all your blogs."

He: "Oh.. did you like them?"

She: "No, I felt them."

She: "Why did you wrote all these blogs?"

He: "May be because I don't have anyone to talk with."

She: "You don't share anything sad with others. Its your old habit. Look at me I used to share everything with you whether its happiness or sad. You should be like that."

He: "Yes, but last time you missed to share one important thing."

She: "Is it? What?"

He: "That you are going away from my life."

She: "Why are you so quite?"

He: "Just don't have anything to talk."

She: "And I was thinking you would have lots of complains."

He: "No, not at all, in fact I am very thankful to you. You have tought me so many things, you gave me chance to improve myself. You made me understand "why one shouldn't expect anything from anyone as expectations always hurt". You have made me lot more stronger than before."

She: "So you are not angry at me?"

He: "Positively"

She: "Then why are you still talking so formaly with me?"

He: "Because it helps me to remain tough."

She: "Can't we become friends like before?"

He: "Like before I can't say, but yes we can have a new start."
