Monday, July 20, 2009

Love AajKal

/*for better reading experience just start with dialoges, skip the background part, but if u get confused read that part too*/
(A talk between a boy and a girl where the girl is trying convince the boy to not to fall in love with her as she is very good friend of him, giving all her logics and excuses.)

"No, why don't you understand, this is not going to work. Why are you hurting yourself?", she said .

He: I am not hurting, I am fine. You don't need to worry about me.

She: But I know you are and I care for you. I not meant for you. So please stop loving me..

He: Do you think it is this much easy? I love you and I don't care whether you love me or not.

She: You are talking nonsense, its all movie talk of not expecting any love in return. You are child and you can't understand how much it hurt? Expectation always hurt, and I know you expect too much from me.

He: May be you are right. perhaps I am not worth for you.

She: You are again misunderstanding me, you always do. I am not worth for you. You'll definitely get a better girl than me . and what do you know about me? Nothing, just my name, that's all.

He: I don't even want to know. Whatever I know is enough for me.

She: Why are you doing this?

He: What? I am not doing anything only you are worrying.

She: Why don't you understand? We have no future together. My parents are not going to get agree and I can't go against their will.

He: How can you say that? We have not even talked to them or tried to convince them. Who is saying you to go against them. Why are you so negative?

She: I love my parents so much and I can't hurt them anyhow.

He: Who is trying to hurt them? We are not going to run from home. If they say "No" then its "No".

She: OK, let it. you are not listening to me. Do whatever you want?

He: Hey
She: What?
He: Are you angry?
She: No.
He: Sorry!!!
She: For what?
He: For anything, that hurts you.
She: Its OK
He: Give me a smile.
She: Me fine!!
He: And?
She: And everything is fine.
He: And?
She: and your marriage.

He (with excitement) : And tell me how are you?
She: Now, I think you should sleep.
He: Are you sleepy?
She: No..
He: I understoond, you are sleeping.
She: Ok, let's go to bed.
He: OK, lets go!!!!
She: You are gonna beaten hard. You go to yours and I'll go to mine.
He: Ohhhhh.......

He: Hey
She: What?
He: I Love You
She: Good night
He; Good night
She: Cut the phone?
He: I'll not, you cut.
She: Why? Why don't you cut the phone?
He: I just don't. You cut the phone.
She: OK, Good night.
The phone is cut.

(the same girl is on phone with someone she loves, but this boy loves someone else)
She: Hi.....
(Other side some other boy) : Hi
She: I know you love someone else but still I love you.
She: I can understand everything and I am not a child. You don't need to worry about me.

(just see how the situation changes, the girl is in the same situation as the boy and how the same conversation changes)